Printed effector with stock pins

This component is in alpha state.

Effector with FLSUN stock pins

Using the effector_stock_pins.stl printed effector plate, you can repurpose the stock FLSUN Super Racer pins and set screws.

Required parts

Type Variant Amount Unit Stores
Effector 1 Stock pins 1 print stl/effector/effector_stock_pins.stl
Heat set insert M3x5x4mm 2 piece HotXYZ
Hex set screw 2 M2 (stock) 6 piece Electrician House
Ball end pin 2 8mm (stock) 6 piece FLSUN Outlet
  1. Printed parts can be found in the DeltaWerken/SuperRacer repository 

  2. These can be removed from the stock FLSUN SuperRacer effector and can be reused  2